Subjects: United States -- Politics and government -- Sources, Presidents -- United States -- Messages, J, I
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A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open
Address of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, delivered at Boston, Mass.,...
Address of President Roosevelt at Cairo, Illinois, October 3,...
Address of President Roosevelt at Canton, Ohio, September 30,...
Address of President Roosevelt at Chautauqua, New York, August...
Address of President Roosevelt at Keokuk, Iowa, October 1, 1907
Address of President Roosevelt at St. Louis, Missouri, October 2,...
Address of President Roosevelt at the laying of the corner stone...
Address of President Roosevelt at the Lincoln dinner of the...
Address of President Roosevelt on the occasion of the celebration...
Address of President Roosevelt on the Occasion of the Laying of...
Address of the President at the unveiling of the monument to...
African and European Addresses
America and the World War
American Ideals and Other Essays Social and Political
American problems
A Square Deal
Average Americans
Biological analogies in history : $b The Romanes Lecture 1910
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Section...
Good hunting; in pursuit of big game in the West
Gouverneur Morris
Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches An Account of the Big Game...
Letters to His Children
Oliver Cromwell
Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter
Presidential addresses and State papers (Vol. 1)
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 2 (of 7)
Presidential addresses and state papers, Volume 3 (of 7)
Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star: War-time Editorials
State of the Union Addresses
The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy...
Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography
The Rough Riders
The Winning of the West, Volume 1 From the Alleghanies to the...
The Winning of the West, Volume 2 From the Alleghanies to the...
The Winning of the West, Volume 3 The Founding of the...
The Winning of the West, Volume 4 Louisiana and the Northwest,...
The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume 12 (of 14) The Strenuous...
Thomas Hart Benton
Through the Brazilian Wilderness